Monday, August 23, 2010

Presley's big day

So much to write about, so badly need a nap..

Well today was The Situation's first day of school and it was weird.. It was like i was watching it all unfold instead of being an active participant..

It started out not so great. Captain ADHD had to stand watch last night and he got off work this morning just in time to see me and the other children pull back up in the driveway after dropping the big man off.. So yea, he pretty much missed the most important trip in our son's life since the one on the way home from the NICU by about 9 minutes.. Other than Daddy Rabbit missing it, the drop off went pretty smooth. He kept making sure the whole trip there that we were just going to drop him off and we were NOT going to get out of the car.. Because that is what we wanted, we did just that. I pulled up, he unbuckled himself, a teacher helped him open his door and they walked off down the corridor together.. After that i put the bat mobile and managed to make it off school grounds before i started crying and i was pretty proud that i had finished them up before the one red light in between here and there..
I got back to the house around the same time the Capt. did. He came inside and went straight to sleep. The little boys and I played around for a little while and then it was the babies nap time so he laid down. Then it became painfully obvious that River is going to have a harder time than i ever could have imagined without his big brother around.. First he was hungry an hour after breakfast and then he didnt want to go outside and he didnt want to play.. He just wanted to sit on the couch, watch top gun and eat... Not cool... So against his will i made him go outside and play, you know, like a kid? He sat there with his face on the sliding glass door whining.. so yea naptime for him too.. It was only 10 AM!
What does a haggard housewife who hasnt had a quiet moment to herself in five years do when its only 10 AM and shes temporarily not responsible for anybody awake? Shower? sounds nice but didnt need one.. Eat something that doesnt end in oh's? thats a thought but not hungry.. Take a nap? you bet your sweet ass thats what she does!! I crawled in my bed and slept til noon.. It was amazing! And amazingly enough, not a single phone call from the school saying that the fire department was there and we weren't welcome back..
So then the time comes to go and pick him up.. Me, the littler dudes and Daddy Rabbit load up in the truck and drive to the school (its really only 2 miles from our house) and get in the line of cars waiting to pick up their young'ns from the their first days.. As we pull up i didnt see Pres in the crowd of children, hes kind hard to miss. The teacher sees his name written on the paper in the appropriate place and calls for him but James and I know he wont answer, because hes not in there (by there i mean the small corral for the car riders). So we pull up and out of the way and wait.. After two or three minutes of hearing them call his name with no answer James gets out to let them know that if calling didnt work the first time, its because hes gone.. So James and coach start the search, within a few minutes a few other teachers have joined in and they basically figure hes not outside anywhere or they hope because theyve looked everywhere that is outside but still in side of the school.. So they start looking through every classroom and after a few minutes they find him in a room of kids for an afterschool program.. He and James walk back to the truck and we head home..
Through all of this, the normal Mom in me wanted to panic.. How is my child just missing?!?! But the Mom that has been taking care of Presley all these years somewhat expected this.. Part of me wants to scream at every employee in the district and have somebody's job for this.. This could have been much worse. His school is surrounded by woods, a busy road and a large body of water. What if this had been a truly special needs child getting lost in the confusion of the first day? But the Mom of Presley comes out and rationalizes.. Presley doesnt look any different than any other kid but I know very well that he can disappear faster than any other kid.. I warned his teachers and his school officials about Presley, repeatedly about some of his behaviors and that hes not a bad kid, hes quite eager to please actually he just needs slightly more vigilant supervision.. I guess like so many other people who should have taken me as a Mother more seriously, they did not..

But tomorrow is a new day and hopefully it will go smoother.. I guess we'll see

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog today!! Poor Presley maybe tomorrow will be better than today!!
