Monday, March 29, 2010

Standing up for the not crunchy..

Nobody backs baby into a corner..
And no one will threaten (with their hippy liberal agenda) into being a different kind of parent than i am..
No offense granola eaters, its just not me..
A few weeks ago i watched a video online that some one sent me a link to that was about rearfacing carseats. Now typically you keep a child rearfacing until they are a certain weight or about a year old but this video was basically threatening Moms with the horrible deaths of their children if they didn't keep them rearfacing and in a 5 point harness until they were 5 (or something as equally ridiculous). It was terrible!! I thought what kind of sicko would take the time, money and effort to put this together just to scare women.. It basically screamed that if you did anything OTHER than this you were a horrible parent and your kids deserve to die.. Now I'm a pretty set in my ways kind of gal but i could see how this particular video would have WARPED a young or new Mom. I mentioned it on a website that i frequent and apparently there are a bunch of Moms out there that have 10 year old kids facing out the back window strapped down with 5 point harnesses.. I know these women have good intentions but you know what they say about good intentions.. You do know that at some point that kid is gonna have to learn how to drive and that going to be very hard for him when hes LOOKING OUT THE BACK WINDOW!!!
This is about more than just car seats though.. Everybody parents differently and I'm not telling ANYBODY what to do with their kids because it pisses me off people tell me what to do with mine. Now (my point) I'm a little bit sick and tired of being told or shown or whatever that because I'm not this super attached parent that my kids are worse off..
No, i don't co-sleep.. That bed belongs to James and I and we do grown up things in it.. and nothing quite ruins the mood like a screaming baby..
Yea, i let the boys cry it out. I hate hearing Moms complain about how they never get any sleep and they're soooo tired because the baby was up every hour.. You know that baby was up every hour because you went in there and picked it up every time it did so much as fart! People fart, nobody needs a titty to get over it..
Titties, yes i breastfed. I nursed the littler boys for about 6 months each and Presley for a year.. I helped my children with their nutritional needs but I'm not a comfort nurser. Sometimes you fall down and bump your head.. I smacked my face with my own car door last week and nobody showed up and offered me a boob.. I'm raising future men here and not a bunch of nancies. If i had wanted them to be weaklings i would have given them girls names.. and Since were talking about breastfeeding let me make this point.. You do have a right to do it anywhere you need to and girl if your baby is hungry by all means feed him!! But if your 3 year old is hungry, buy the kid a god damned happy meal because nobody else wants to look at that shit!

The final straw was an article i read this morning that pretty much said that my kids were suffering because i had them to close together....? yea i know..

Now you oppressive, tired, worn out, aching back from baby wearing, powdered bones crunchy Moms who just know your doing this right and your kids are better off.. Go ahead, keep wearing yourself out if that is what you believe then DO IT! but please stop thinking your better than me, your just different.. I'm just old fashioned..

Except for you one crazy lady who still harnesses in your 10 year old.. stop doing that shit, its embarrassing for him when he gets dropped off at school and has to be unbuckled..

And again pointing out i dont mean any of this to be mean, just standing up for us middle of the pool Moms..


  1. In my infinite experience in life, there's one rule that applies to just about everything, but parenting most of all. Here it is:

    No matter what you do or how you do it, there's someone who thinks you're doing it wrong.

    You and I have pretty different parenting styles, but at the root of it all, our kids are fed, loved, and safe. Which is all that's important, really...

  2. i just laughed SO HARD at the 10 year old being unbuckled at school.

    People think it's absolutely weird (and some think terrible parenting) that I let Nick stay with his grandmother for days, weeks, or months at a time. He's my kid and it makes everyone happy, so I do it. Whatever.

    I feed my kids a mixture of processed foods and fresh-cooked foods, I skip baths some nights, and I let them eat dirt if they so desire. They're happy, well-adjusted kids.

    I always say that we should all just do. what. works. for us and our children.
