So to counteract my negativity, here's a list of things that i love about my American life.
For starters, my boys. I have the best kids! They are perfect for me and i couldnt not have any bettr if i had picked them out of a catalog. Its like each of them is a side of me, made into an entire person.

My James. He is an amazing man who stands up for what he believes in and cares deeply for his family.

Lantanas.. Any color and the ones that are not trimmed, that just grow wild are the best.
The smell of garlic on my hands. It means ive been cooking and i love to cook, especially with garlic. That smell reminds me so wonderfully of my grandmother. I possess a sensory processing disorder (I wouldnt call it a disorder, im very sensitive to light, sounds and smells. All of which i attach emotion to, yes even different kinds of light)so alot of my favorite things have to do with light, sound and smell.
The fact that people pull over and stop for funeral processions. In a weird way i feel honored when i get to do that and it is something i take very seriously.. If you dont, your a douche and i swear to whatever kind of god that is up there that if some douche tries to cut in front of my funeral procession i will haunt that motherfucker until he dies..
I love the USO.

I love the way flowers smell (particularly yellow jasmine, 4 o'clocks, gardenias and honeysuckle). I find the older i get the more i enjoy flowers..

I love fall. It is by FAR my favorite time of the year. I get to wear the kind of clothes that i like. I get to make and jar soups and stews, drink hot tea. I love the way the wind smells in the fall. Like dried leaves and the way a handmade blanket feels.

I love having red hair.. Though I am NOT a ginger, my sister is and my green eyes and freckles make me seem as though i should be.
I love getting to wear levis and wifebeaters with a straw hat. That was pretty much my uniform until i started having kids then the wifebeater look wasnt so good for me but im working on it and ill be rocking one again soon!
I love to hook, bind, web, purl, cable and weave..
yea im a dork.
I love driving my suburban. It may be a gas guzzling dinocinterator and liberals may hate everything about it but i love it. It utilitarian, big and black and cast a forward presence. Its well insured and almost payed for. It fits my entire family and all of our groceries. It can pull a boat and it puts me in a good mood..
I love big families. Some people think the duggars are nuts but i think they are amazing. I say if you want them and can afford them.. By all means have them. My grandparents had nine children and some of my best memories are of my entire family getting together. I have three children and I am not done..

While we are on the subject. I love being pregnant! Hell, im the weirdo that thoroughly enjoys being in labor.. When i was having River it went freakishly fast, 3 hours start to finish with a 9 pounder and i almost felt cheated because it went by so fast! I smile and secretly envy every pregnant woman i see. I really cant wait until its my turn again..

hint hint James..

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