So The Situation started kindergarten this week. This is first time hes ever really been out of the home for any extended period of time. We've never done daycare, we've never done preschool, not even a regular babysitter. So not only is all this new for Pres its all very new for me..
Last Friday was orientation day so Pres and I made a special trip to the school, just me and him. He had already been registered and met his teachers so we spent the day exploring the school and seeing what we could see.. I was shocked when the first thing i saw, was fat kids..

It was one of the most amazing things i have ever seen.. Literally, i was shocked at how shocked i was. First off, these weren't kids that were big for their age. They weren't tall kids or stocky kids or even chubby kids. These were fat kids..

When i was a kid and i was in elementary school, every class had its one heavy kid. He was the class clown or the guy with a good personality. He was the stereotype. But as i walked through Presley's school last week suddenly, the whole "epidemic of childhood obesity" that i suppose i was blind to before became blindingly clear. I would say half of these kids were overweight and up to a quarter of them were very overweight. To the point they could not wear children's clothing.
Now even I, the homebody who for the most part lives my day to day life completely separate from the mainstream, who has the exact opposite problem with my own children, realize that this is a problem in our country. You cannot exist without noticing the PSA's on television, or the billboards or the signs in the grocery stores even.. Im having a hard time understand how a parent, a grown up, can let a child get to this point?

As parents we look at our children every day, its not like you dont notice this! If you have a brain in your head that can produce rational thoughts, you should be able to recognize how important diet and exercise are!
Now Im not writing this out to be mean so nobody needs to bother with getting defensive.. Im writing this because really, i am shocked! Pres goes to a kindergarten through fourth grade school.. These are not kids who are in charge of their own diet and are clearly left up to their own devices as far as activity level goes.. I understand that people come in all different shapes and sizes and i do NOT equate skinny with healthy. Im Presley's Mom so i know better than to think that but i do know a few things.. Like children who are overweight are more likely (over the course of their entire lives) develop type two diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, joint problems.. But because its children and obesity its waaaay to sensitive of a topic to discuss or ever really address.. I typed "fat kids" in my google search bar and this was the first thing to pop up: Hey Michelle, Stop Picking on Fat Kids.. Really? Really? Our overly graceful First Lady who is tryin to help these kids isnt even allowed to talk about it?
Im waiting for the day that Presley comes home and ask about it..
From what I've seen, it's not always just the kids that are fat - their parents and siblings are just as fat.
ReplyDeleteThen there was a girl I went to high school with who was very large...has been all her life. Her parents and her sister are not, but they wouldn't test her thyroid.
There are also the families that are too poor for the healthy foods. They live in an apartment so they can't grow veggies and fruits, foodstamps now cover those at Wal*Mart, but not places like a farmer's market. And a pack of hotdogs is always cheap. *shrugs*
The MAJORITY though...are lazy parents/"too busy" parents who don't cook. They go to McDonald's or stick some boxed 'thing' in the microwave and let them wash it down with a coke.
It's pretty damn sad and pretty damn ridiculous.
We are lucky to live in one of America's fittest cities and I'm still shocked by the kids I see out and about. Kids of people I know even. Having a kid on a very strict diet I know how expensive healthier food can be. But I always say....Running is free.