There are some days when my life scares the ever living shit out of me.
Okay maybe not days but moments where suddenly it hits me that I am NOT the person that needs to be doing this.
For example, earlier this evening Presley and I were sitting at the table working on writing his whole name and when we got to our last name he said "this is a hard word Mom" and for about 2 seconds i went into a panic thinking that i am the LEAST patient person on the face of the Earth, why am I teaching a small child to write. Dear God, I am responsible for teaching another human being our written language??? I don't think I would be capable of explaining this to a grown up with a high IQ let alone a small child with a learning disability!! But then i looked down and he had written it perfectly and had gone on to draw what he said was the USS Presley Joe..
Or the moment before i go to sleep at night when i suddenly remember that i forgot to turn on the alarm clock and i manage to shake myself awake, get up and turn it on. Its in that moment when i think Fuck Brandy! You just about completely forgot to turn on the alarm clock? That is the easiest part of your entire day! Presley would have been late for school and probably missed some super important lesson on String Theory, what kind of Mother does that?? Oh shit I'm a mother!! I am solely responsible for three living, growing, learning beings. Their health and their happiness are direct results of decisions that I make and looking back.. Ive had my moments of some pretty pitiful decision making.. But then i tell myself that i guess i must be doing something right, they are all still alive so that counts for something. No one has starved to death or been struck by lightening yet.. And for kids whose existence is half way made out of me, they're pretty well adjusted I'd say. They have manners, they don't talk back or dart off into traffic. They're pretty self reliant. They make happy plates and they don't put their elbows on the table.. And then i get back in bed, satisfied that the alarm clock is on..
Some people may say hey, you know that sounds alot like PTSD? But i say that i just spend way to much time by myself.. You know when James is gone I can easily go two weeks without having any interaction with anyone over the age of five? Think about what that's like for a second. Day in and day out, never really connecting with anyone who can stand up in the shallow end of a pool? This is normally when i have my momentary panics..
But then i buck up, wash the dishes and try to do something fun with kids and realize that Yea, i got this shit! I can do this. My kids are effing amazing (even though they come from two long lines of crazy!) and sooner or later James will get home and it will be nice when he does but nothing is going to crumble without him.
Besides, even on my worst day im pretty good at reminding myself that somebody out there has had it worse.. Like the ladies that had to this kind of shit to keep it together when their husbands were gone.. Because yea, eff that..
Im a housewife. Im married to the Navy and the Mother of 4 chaotic gentlemen. I am an old-school, tough love Mom and a steel magnolia. I am the only girl here. I am the queen of squared away. Our house is haze gray and under way. This is how we do it..
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Today always sucks..
I hate days like today..
James left for a 2 week trip. The house is a mess. All three kids have been screaming at each other for about 3 hours now.. Im sitting in the studio room trying to ignore them. Im tired and badly need a drink.. Yea i said it, i need a drink! If i felt like loading up the monkeys that are probably destroying my home i would buy them happy meals and then throw them in their beds.. But i dont even feel like doing that.. I think its going to be a peanut butter and jelly with sphagetios kind of night.. (SCREEEECH and something breaking coming from the other room) Yea its definitely going to be that kind of night..
Wish me luck..
James left for a 2 week trip. The house is a mess. All three kids have been screaming at each other for about 3 hours now.. Im sitting in the studio room trying to ignore them. Im tired and badly need a drink.. Yea i said it, i need a drink! If i felt like loading up the monkeys that are probably destroying my home i would buy them happy meals and then throw them in their beds.. But i dont even feel like doing that.. I think its going to be a peanut butter and jelly with sphagetios kind of night.. (SCREEEECH and something breaking coming from the other room) Yea its definitely going to be that kind of night..
Wish me luck..
Monday, August 23, 2010
All the fat kids
Yep, this is about exactly that..
So The Situation started kindergarten this week. This is first time hes ever really been out of the home for any extended period of time. We've never done daycare, we've never done preschool, not even a regular babysitter. So not only is all this new for Pres its all very new for me..
Last Friday was orientation day so Pres and I made a special trip to the school, just me and him. He had already been registered and met his teachers so we spent the day exploring the school and seeing what we could see.. I was shocked when the first thing i saw, was fat kids..
It was one of the most amazing things i have ever seen.. Literally, i was shocked at how shocked i was. First off, these weren't kids that were big for their age. They weren't tall kids or stocky kids or even chubby kids. These were fat kids..
When i was a kid and i was in elementary school, every class had its one heavy kid. He was the class clown or the guy with a good personality. He was the stereotype. But as i walked through Presley's school last week suddenly, the whole "epidemic of childhood obesity" that i suppose i was blind to before became blindingly clear. I would say half of these kids were overweight and up to a quarter of them were very overweight. To the point they could not wear children's clothing.
Now even I, the homebody who for the most part lives my day to day life completely separate from the mainstream, who has the exact opposite problem with my own children, realize that this is a problem in our country. You cannot exist without noticing the PSA's on television, or the billboards or the signs in the grocery stores even.. Im having a hard time understand how a parent, a grown up, can let a child get to this point?
As parents we look at our children every day, its not like you dont notice this! If you have a brain in your head that can produce rational thoughts, you should be able to recognize how important diet and exercise are!
Now Im not writing this out to be mean so nobody needs to bother with getting defensive.. Im writing this because really, i am shocked! Pres goes to a kindergarten through fourth grade school.. These are not kids who are in charge of their own diet and are clearly left up to their own devices as far as activity level goes.. I understand that people come in all different shapes and sizes and i do NOT equate skinny with healthy. Im Presley's Mom so i know better than to think that but i do know a few things.. Like children who are overweight are more likely (over the course of their entire lives) develop type two diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, joint problems.. But because its children and obesity its waaaay to sensitive of a topic to discuss or ever really address.. I typed "fat kids" in my google search bar and this was the first thing to pop up: Hey Michelle, Stop Picking on Fat Kids.. Really? Really? Our overly graceful First Lady who is tryin to help these kids isnt even allowed to talk about it?
Im waiting for the day that Presley comes home and ask about it..
So The Situation started kindergarten this week. This is first time hes ever really been out of the home for any extended period of time. We've never done daycare, we've never done preschool, not even a regular babysitter. So not only is all this new for Pres its all very new for me..
Last Friday was orientation day so Pres and I made a special trip to the school, just me and him. He had already been registered and met his teachers so we spent the day exploring the school and seeing what we could see.. I was shocked when the first thing i saw, was fat kids..
It was one of the most amazing things i have ever seen.. Literally, i was shocked at how shocked i was. First off, these weren't kids that were big for their age. They weren't tall kids or stocky kids or even chubby kids. These were fat kids..
When i was a kid and i was in elementary school, every class had its one heavy kid. He was the class clown or the guy with a good personality. He was the stereotype. But as i walked through Presley's school last week suddenly, the whole "epidemic of childhood obesity" that i suppose i was blind to before became blindingly clear. I would say half of these kids were overweight and up to a quarter of them were very overweight. To the point they could not wear children's clothing.
Now even I, the homebody who for the most part lives my day to day life completely separate from the mainstream, who has the exact opposite problem with my own children, realize that this is a problem in our country. You cannot exist without noticing the PSA's on television, or the billboards or the signs in the grocery stores even.. Im having a hard time understand how a parent, a grown up, can let a child get to this point?
As parents we look at our children every day, its not like you dont notice this! If you have a brain in your head that can produce rational thoughts, you should be able to recognize how important diet and exercise are!
Now Im not writing this out to be mean so nobody needs to bother with getting defensive.. Im writing this because really, i am shocked! Pres goes to a kindergarten through fourth grade school.. These are not kids who are in charge of their own diet and are clearly left up to their own devices as far as activity level goes.. I understand that people come in all different shapes and sizes and i do NOT equate skinny with healthy. Im Presley's Mom so i know better than to think that but i do know a few things.. Like children who are overweight are more likely (over the course of their entire lives) develop type two diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, joint problems.. But because its children and obesity its waaaay to sensitive of a topic to discuss or ever really address.. I typed "fat kids" in my google search bar and this was the first thing to pop up: Hey Michelle, Stop Picking on Fat Kids.. Really? Really? Our overly graceful First Lady who is tryin to help these kids isnt even allowed to talk about it?
Im waiting for the day that Presley comes home and ask about it..
Presley's big day
So much to write about, so badly need a nap..
Well today was The Situation's first day of school and it was weird.. It was like i was watching it all unfold instead of being an active participant..
It started out not so great. Captain ADHD had to stand watch last night and he got off work this morning just in time to see me and the other children pull back up in the driveway after dropping the big man off.. So yea, he pretty much missed the most important trip in our son's life since the one on the way home from the NICU by about 9 minutes.. Other than Daddy Rabbit missing it, the drop off went pretty smooth. He kept making sure the whole trip there that we were just going to drop him off and we were NOT going to get out of the car.. Because that is what we wanted, we did just that. I pulled up, he unbuckled himself, a teacher helped him open his door and they walked off down the corridor together.. After that i put the bat mobile and managed to make it off school grounds before i started crying and i was pretty proud that i had finished them up before the one red light in between here and there..
I got back to the house around the same time the Capt. did. He came inside and went straight to sleep. The little boys and I played around for a little while and then it was the babies nap time so he laid down. Then it became painfully obvious that River is going to have a harder time than i ever could have imagined without his big brother around.. First he was hungry an hour after breakfast and then he didnt want to go outside and he didnt want to play.. He just wanted to sit on the couch, watch top gun and eat... Not cool... So against his will i made him go outside and play, you know, like a kid? He sat there with his face on the sliding glass door whining.. so yea naptime for him too.. It was only 10 AM!
What does a haggard housewife who hasnt had a quiet moment to herself in five years do when its only 10 AM and shes temporarily not responsible for anybody awake? Shower? sounds nice but didnt need one.. Eat something that doesnt end in oh's? thats a thought but not hungry.. Take a nap? you bet your sweet ass thats what she does!! I crawled in my bed and slept til noon.. It was amazing! And amazingly enough, not a single phone call from the school saying that the fire department was there and we weren't welcome back..
So then the time comes to go and pick him up.. Me, the littler dudes and Daddy Rabbit load up in the truck and drive to the school (its really only 2 miles from our house) and get in the line of cars waiting to pick up their young'ns from the their first days.. As we pull up i didnt see Pres in the crowd of children, hes kind hard to miss. The teacher sees his name written on the paper in the appropriate place and calls for him but James and I know he wont answer, because hes not in there (by there i mean the small corral for the car riders). So we pull up and out of the way and wait.. After two or three minutes of hearing them call his name with no answer James gets out to let them know that if calling didnt work the first time, its because hes gone.. So James and coach start the search, within a few minutes a few other teachers have joined in and they basically figure hes not outside anywhere or they hope because theyve looked everywhere that is outside but still in side of the school.. So they start looking through every classroom and after a few minutes they find him in a room of kids for an afterschool program.. He and James walk back to the truck and we head home..
Through all of this, the normal Mom in me wanted to panic.. How is my child just missing?!?! But the Mom that has been taking care of Presley all these years somewhat expected this.. Part of me wants to scream at every employee in the district and have somebody's job for this.. This could have been much worse. His school is surrounded by woods, a busy road and a large body of water. What if this had been a truly special needs child getting lost in the confusion of the first day? But the Mom of Presley comes out and rationalizes.. Presley doesnt look any different than any other kid but I know very well that he can disappear faster than any other kid.. I warned his teachers and his school officials about Presley, repeatedly about some of his behaviors and that hes not a bad kid, hes quite eager to please actually he just needs slightly more vigilant supervision.. I guess like so many other people who should have taken me as a Mother more seriously, they did not..
But tomorrow is a new day and hopefully it will go smoother.. I guess we'll see
Well today was The Situation's first day of school and it was weird.. It was like i was watching it all unfold instead of being an active participant..
It started out not so great. Captain ADHD had to stand watch last night and he got off work this morning just in time to see me and the other children pull back up in the driveway after dropping the big man off.. So yea, he pretty much missed the most important trip in our son's life since the one on the way home from the NICU by about 9 minutes.. Other than Daddy Rabbit missing it, the drop off went pretty smooth. He kept making sure the whole trip there that we were just going to drop him off and we were NOT going to get out of the car.. Because that is what we wanted, we did just that. I pulled up, he unbuckled himself, a teacher helped him open his door and they walked off down the corridor together.. After that i put the bat mobile and managed to make it off school grounds before i started crying and i was pretty proud that i had finished them up before the one red light in between here and there..
I got back to the house around the same time the Capt. did. He came inside and went straight to sleep. The little boys and I played around for a little while and then it was the babies nap time so he laid down. Then it became painfully obvious that River is going to have a harder time than i ever could have imagined without his big brother around.. First he was hungry an hour after breakfast and then he didnt want to go outside and he didnt want to play.. He just wanted to sit on the couch, watch top gun and eat... Not cool... So against his will i made him go outside and play, you know, like a kid? He sat there with his face on the sliding glass door whining.. so yea naptime for him too.. It was only 10 AM!
What does a haggard housewife who hasnt had a quiet moment to herself in five years do when its only 10 AM and shes temporarily not responsible for anybody awake? Shower? sounds nice but didnt need one.. Eat something that doesnt end in oh's? thats a thought but not hungry.. Take a nap? you bet your sweet ass thats what she does!! I crawled in my bed and slept til noon.. It was amazing! And amazingly enough, not a single phone call from the school saying that the fire department was there and we weren't welcome back..
So then the time comes to go and pick him up.. Me, the littler dudes and Daddy Rabbit load up in the truck and drive to the school (its really only 2 miles from our house) and get in the line of cars waiting to pick up their young'ns from the their first days.. As we pull up i didnt see Pres in the crowd of children, hes kind hard to miss. The teacher sees his name written on the paper in the appropriate place and calls for him but James and I know he wont answer, because hes not in there (by there i mean the small corral for the car riders). So we pull up and out of the way and wait.. After two or three minutes of hearing them call his name with no answer James gets out to let them know that if calling didnt work the first time, its because hes gone.. So James and coach start the search, within a few minutes a few other teachers have joined in and they basically figure hes not outside anywhere or they hope because theyve looked everywhere that is outside but still in side of the school.. So they start looking through every classroom and after a few minutes they find him in a room of kids for an afterschool program.. He and James walk back to the truck and we head home..
Through all of this, the normal Mom in me wanted to panic.. How is my child just missing?!?! But the Mom that has been taking care of Presley all these years somewhat expected this.. Part of me wants to scream at every employee in the district and have somebody's job for this.. This could have been much worse. His school is surrounded by woods, a busy road and a large body of water. What if this had been a truly special needs child getting lost in the confusion of the first day? But the Mom of Presley comes out and rationalizes.. Presley doesnt look any different than any other kid but I know very well that he can disappear faster than any other kid.. I warned his teachers and his school officials about Presley, repeatedly about some of his behaviors and that hes not a bad kid, hes quite eager to please actually he just needs slightly more vigilant supervision.. I guess like so many other people who should have taken me as a Mother more seriously, they did not..
But tomorrow is a new day and hopefully it will go smoother.. I guess we'll see
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My old person room.
Last weekend we had some buddies come to town and stay with us for 2 days.. While they were here a friend of mine told me that my bedroom looks like an old person's room..
Is that a really weird thing to say or what?
My bestie Stephanie, who has a way of explaining things for me, told me its because my furniture matches, my bed is made and the towels in my bathroom are folded and on a rack for towels, made for a bathroom.. Okay i thought, Josh is single and doesn't have any kids so i really doubt he makes his bed or folds his towels.. But i don't really think those things make me an old person. Hell I'm only 26! I just like having the option of using a fresh towel. Which i only do about once a week anyway. Really if your only using it when you get out of the shower and your bathing yourself properly, your towel should last a while.. I normally keep two hanging up. One for my hair and one for the rest of me. If i used two clean towels every day that's 60 towels a month and that's alot of wasted water and electricity.. But anyway, back to the bathroom.. Its kind of weird that Josh said my room reminded him of an old persons room because for the last 5 years or so, every time i go in my bathroom when its cold outside it distinctly smells like the bathroom that was off of the master bedroom at my Mimi and Papa's house on Pinnacle Drive. My Mimi's bathroom.. When i was younger i used to love going in her bathroom because she just had gobs and gobs of make up and a million bottles of perfume, make up mirrors, hair rollers and a hundred different hairbrushes and my totally manly super fabulous cousin Josh who would do my hair and make up in there.. I loved the way that room smelled. I used to think that it smelled like that because of all the stuff she kept in there.. I mean really 50 tubes of brightly colored department store lipstick, the stuff that in my opinion was the fancy kind, nothing you could buy at Walmart. But my bathroom is nothing like that. Next to my sink is a cup for my toothbrush and a satin hands set. Next to James' sink is his razor, some shaving foam and a cup for his toothbrush. In between is a basket with mouthwash and toothpaste and other daily use stuff that i just don't want cluttering up the counter.. I have a make up box but i never really use it so it stays put up under the cabinet.. The only thing my bathroom and Mimi's bathroom have in common is bleach. We're both pretty big fans of bleach. If you want a really clean bathroom, Clorox can be your friend. The weird thing is, the smell that i keep talking about doesn't smell anything like bleach.. It smells like waking up at 5 AM for no apparent reason when its 45 degrees in the house and 110 outside, coming downstairs to your grandparents who have clearly been up for an hour, eating breakfast then hugging your perfectly made up grandmother who's hair is done and is wearing one of the hundreds of shades of Estee Lauder or Clinique lipsticks, picked to perfectly match what shes wearing that day (that no doubt also came from a department store).. I so idolized her as a child and i still do.. Everyone should have a Mimi like i do. Now that I'm an adult woman with a family of my own, i realize i will never be the kind that buys lipstick from a make up counter at a department store.. I'm really not the kind that wears lipstick and i also don't think i will ever have an intercom in my house.. Yea they had one of those. They were pretty popular when they built that house. But i will always carry with me the other things i take from my Grandmother. How to give good hugs. How nice it is to have home canned foods in the garage. How to love and how to forgive. How to be an elegant southern woman and most importantly, how to smell good..
Is that a really weird thing to say or what?
My bestie Stephanie, who has a way of explaining things for me, told me its because my furniture matches, my bed is made and the towels in my bathroom are folded and on a rack for towels, made for a bathroom.. Okay i thought, Josh is single and doesn't have any kids so i really doubt he makes his bed or folds his towels.. But i don't really think those things make me an old person. Hell I'm only 26! I just like having the option of using a fresh towel. Which i only do about once a week anyway. Really if your only using it when you get out of the shower and your bathing yourself properly, your towel should last a while.. I normally keep two hanging up. One for my hair and one for the rest of me. If i used two clean towels every day that's 60 towels a month and that's alot of wasted water and electricity.. But anyway, back to the bathroom.. Its kind of weird that Josh said my room reminded him of an old persons room because for the last 5 years or so, every time i go in my bathroom when its cold outside it distinctly smells like the bathroom that was off of the master bedroom at my Mimi and Papa's house on Pinnacle Drive. My Mimi's bathroom.. When i was younger i used to love going in her bathroom because she just had gobs and gobs of make up and a million bottles of perfume, make up mirrors, hair rollers and a hundred different hairbrushes and my totally manly super fabulous cousin Josh who would do my hair and make up in there.. I loved the way that room smelled. I used to think that it smelled like that because of all the stuff she kept in there.. I mean really 50 tubes of brightly colored department store lipstick, the stuff that in my opinion was the fancy kind, nothing you could buy at Walmart. But my bathroom is nothing like that. Next to my sink is a cup for my toothbrush and a satin hands set. Next to James' sink is his razor, some shaving foam and a cup for his toothbrush. In between is a basket with mouthwash and toothpaste and other daily use stuff that i just don't want cluttering up the counter.. I have a make up box but i never really use it so it stays put up under the cabinet.. The only thing my bathroom and Mimi's bathroom have in common is bleach. We're both pretty big fans of bleach. If you want a really clean bathroom, Clorox can be your friend. The weird thing is, the smell that i keep talking about doesn't smell anything like bleach.. It smells like waking up at 5 AM for no apparent reason when its 45 degrees in the house and 110 outside, coming downstairs to your grandparents who have clearly been up for an hour, eating breakfast then hugging your perfectly made up grandmother who's hair is done and is wearing one of the hundreds of shades of Estee Lauder or Clinique lipsticks, picked to perfectly match what shes wearing that day (that no doubt also came from a department store).. I so idolized her as a child and i still do.. Everyone should have a Mimi like i do. Now that I'm an adult woman with a family of my own, i realize i will never be the kind that buys lipstick from a make up counter at a department store.. I'm really not the kind that wears lipstick and i also don't think i will ever have an intercom in my house.. Yea they had one of those. They were pretty popular when they built that house. But i will always carry with me the other things i take from my Grandmother. How to give good hugs. How nice it is to have home canned foods in the garage. How to love and how to forgive. How to be an elegant southern woman and most importantly, how to smell good..
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Things i have learned since becoming a parent..
Of the many things my children have taught me, I thought I'd share a few..
If your kid colors on his walls with your eyeliner pencil you might as well build a new house because there is NO paint on the face of the Earth that will successfully cover that shit up.. Also, I have to start keeping a padlock on my make up box..
Washing and drying pissy clothes will not necessarily get the piss smell out..
DVD players will not play corndogs... or anything else after that..
You can never really childproof your house..
Time out is the biggest load of crap i have ever heard of.. Unless maybe your timeout spot has a seat that is bolted into the wall and has a five point harness.. Mine doesnt so i prefer to go about things the old fashioned way.
Being specific is really important.. Like instead of saying "Goodnight baby, sleep well" you should say "Good night baby, sleep well, dont take apart any furniture, leave your doors attached to the walls, leave the electrical outlets alone, stay inside the house, stay away from the microwave and have sweet dreams!"..
It is perfectly acceptable to laugh at your kids for being retarded.. You've got to have a sense of humor about things.
Children can and will climb a 6 foot tall entertainment cabinet to get the celadon elephant that your husband got you in Thailand, the one and only gift he ever put any real thought into getting you, just to shatter it into a hundred pieces..
You should just accept your stretchmarks.. I refer to mine as war wounds i got when fighting the good fight..
You can only be responsible for the effort, not the outcome..
Breastfeeding is important and it IS good for baby but it is NOT the beautiful bonding moment those lactation consultants make it out to be..
Running around naked screaming like a banshee must be fun as hell!
I can survive and do well on 3 hours of sleep a week. Really, anything after that is just an opportunity for your kids to get into the pantry and destroy your home..
It feels good, and i mean REALLY good to see other people not be able to handle what you handled.. Okay that one sounds spiteful but you gotta understand The Situation was not an easy breezy kid starting at around age 2.5 until.. well he went to sleep a few hours ago and i heard alot of everything from "boys will be boys" to "he just needs more discipline" and i gotta say it has made my heart glow to watch those people's sweet little babies turn into soul destroying monkeys.. I hope those kids break ALL their parents elephants from Thailand.. or whatever..
I have learned alot of good things too.. Like how fun it is to run through the sprinkler when its hot as balls outside. How good it feels to watch your child figure something out on their own and what it feels like to be unconditionally loved. I have learned that its the little things in life that really make life worth living and nothing is sweeter than a sweaty headed little boy bringing me a flower (or kumquat off the neighbors tree that hangs over the fence)..
And on a side note, today River said "Mommy, i love you more than F-18s" and Presley jumped right in and said "yea well Mommy i love you more than F-22s"!!
If your kid colors on his walls with your eyeliner pencil you might as well build a new house because there is NO paint on the face of the Earth that will successfully cover that shit up.. Also, I have to start keeping a padlock on my make up box..
Washing and drying pissy clothes will not necessarily get the piss smell out..
DVD players will not play corndogs... or anything else after that..
You can never really childproof your house..
Time out is the biggest load of crap i have ever heard of.. Unless maybe your timeout spot has a seat that is bolted into the wall and has a five point harness.. Mine doesnt so i prefer to go about things the old fashioned way.
Being specific is really important.. Like instead of saying "Goodnight baby, sleep well" you should say "Good night baby, sleep well, dont take apart any furniture, leave your doors attached to the walls, leave the electrical outlets alone, stay inside the house, stay away from the microwave and have sweet dreams!"..
It is perfectly acceptable to laugh at your kids for being retarded.. You've got to have a sense of humor about things.
Children can and will climb a 6 foot tall entertainment cabinet to get the celadon elephant that your husband got you in Thailand, the one and only gift he ever put any real thought into getting you, just to shatter it into a hundred pieces..
You should just accept your stretchmarks.. I refer to mine as war wounds i got when fighting the good fight..
You can only be responsible for the effort, not the outcome..
Breastfeeding is important and it IS good for baby but it is NOT the beautiful bonding moment those lactation consultants make it out to be..
Running around naked screaming like a banshee must be fun as hell!
I can survive and do well on 3 hours of sleep a week. Really, anything after that is just an opportunity for your kids to get into the pantry and destroy your home..
It feels good, and i mean REALLY good to see other people not be able to handle what you handled.. Okay that one sounds spiteful but you gotta understand The Situation was not an easy breezy kid starting at around age 2.5 until.. well he went to sleep a few hours ago and i heard alot of everything from "boys will be boys" to "he just needs more discipline" and i gotta say it has made my heart glow to watch those people's sweet little babies turn into soul destroying monkeys.. I hope those kids break ALL their parents elephants from Thailand.. or whatever..
I have learned alot of good things too.. Like how fun it is to run through the sprinkler when its hot as balls outside. How good it feels to watch your child figure something out on their own and what it feels like to be unconditionally loved. I have learned that its the little things in life that really make life worth living and nothing is sweeter than a sweaty headed little boy bringing me a flower (or kumquat off the neighbors tree that hangs over the fence)..
And on a side note, today River said "Mommy, i love you more than F-18s" and Presley jumped right in and said "yea well Mommy i love you more than F-22s"!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Situation
That's what I'm going to refer to Presley now, The Situation..
Today has been a really, really long day.. Today was the day that we took Presley up to his school to meet his teachers. It went... well it just went about as well as i thought it would.
As soon as we walked through the front door we had to walk past the toy box they keep next to the school nurses office (so far the only thing in his school he's ever seen) and because he didn't get to stop and play he started crying and whimpering, which if you know Pres, you know is something he does quite alot.. This was not a good foot to start our trip to the school on. We make it back to the kindergarten wing and hes gone into semi-panic mode. Semi-panic mode is the place where Pres spends about three quarters of his life. I get a clipboard full of paperwork to fill out and we walk on to the classroom. There we are met by two of the most pleasant women, clearly bred to be kindergarten teachers and they and Pres sit down at the table and start to talk. This is where Presley goes into full blown panic mode (otherwise known as our good old friend Asperger)... These super patient ladies are asking him questions about his colors and shapes, which he knows, in english and in german and he stops making the little bit of eye contact he does make starts doing his stimming breathing thing he does. He goes into what i call Haze gray and underway. He starts spouting off random facts about airplanes and quoting Top Gun (which his teacher thought was HILARIOUS).. I was heartbroken.. I see this brilliant kid who could explain how our eyes see color, not be able to tell his teacher what color the bear is because hes too busy flapping his hand in his hair.. I have been horrified for the last three months that this would happen and today it did..
I know that Presley is a little bit different than other kids but up until the last week or so I've had the Mama Gump attitude about it... If god intended everyone to be the same, he'd of given us all PDD.
Now I'm not so sure.
I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself that i just need to give him some time to get used to it and when he does he'll show everyone how brilliant I know he is. We'll show them!
I could use a little backing up though. Right now my whole life starting to feel like that moment when you take a big swig off your cup of coffee and realize that its cold.
I've got a handful of great friends who i feel like really listen to me.. Okay I've got two that i know i can lean on, that i can call whenever i need somebody to take me seriously as a Mother when it comes to Presley. I'm not desperately trying to reach out through a guilt trip right now. I'm just heavy with Mommy worry over something that alot of people in my life don't take very seriously. Hell i just got captain ADHD (James) to look and realize that this is real. Its really happening in our family and it really happened to our son.
If i have to hear one more person who only sees my kid 3 times a year tell me that his behavior is normal, or all kids go through this I'm going to fucking scream.. You know The Situation is five years old now and still doesn't sleep through the night? That's a milestone that most babies hit before they are ten months old, well my kid is five.. You know he cant ride a bike? not even one with training wheels, not even pedal a tricycle because of problems with proprioception and apraxia..
Okay.. I need to stop, I'm not accomplishing anything..
I'm just having one of the bad days of Motherhood, you know the ones we don't tell people about. The ones we all pretend don't happen and the ones we wouldn't dare tell our expecting friends about.. On the outside today was an amazing day, today i took my oldest boy to meet his very first teacher but on the inside i hit rock bottom, trying not to think about how hard some parts of life will be for my beautiful boy..
Today has been a really, really long day.. Today was the day that we took Presley up to his school to meet his teachers. It went... well it just went about as well as i thought it would.
As soon as we walked through the front door we had to walk past the toy box they keep next to the school nurses office (so far the only thing in his school he's ever seen) and because he didn't get to stop and play he started crying and whimpering, which if you know Pres, you know is something he does quite alot.. This was not a good foot to start our trip to the school on. We make it back to the kindergarten wing and hes gone into semi-panic mode. Semi-panic mode is the place where Pres spends about three quarters of his life. I get a clipboard full of paperwork to fill out and we walk on to the classroom. There we are met by two of the most pleasant women, clearly bred to be kindergarten teachers and they and Pres sit down at the table and start to talk. This is where Presley goes into full blown panic mode (otherwise known as our good old friend Asperger)... These super patient ladies are asking him questions about his colors and shapes, which he knows, in english and in german and he stops making the little bit of eye contact he does make starts doing his stimming breathing thing he does. He goes into what i call Haze gray and underway. He starts spouting off random facts about airplanes and quoting Top Gun (which his teacher thought was HILARIOUS).. I was heartbroken.. I see this brilliant kid who could explain how our eyes see color, not be able to tell his teacher what color the bear is because hes too busy flapping his hand in his hair.. I have been horrified for the last three months that this would happen and today it did..
I know that Presley is a little bit different than other kids but up until the last week or so I've had the Mama Gump attitude about it... If god intended everyone to be the same, he'd of given us all PDD.
Now I'm not so sure.
I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself that i just need to give him some time to get used to it and when he does he'll show everyone how brilliant I know he is. We'll show them!
I could use a little backing up though. Right now my whole life starting to feel like that moment when you take a big swig off your cup of coffee and realize that its cold.
I've got a handful of great friends who i feel like really listen to me.. Okay I've got two that i know i can lean on, that i can call whenever i need somebody to take me seriously as a Mother when it comes to Presley. I'm not desperately trying to reach out through a guilt trip right now. I'm just heavy with Mommy worry over something that alot of people in my life don't take very seriously. Hell i just got captain ADHD (James) to look and realize that this is real. Its really happening in our family and it really happened to our son.
If i have to hear one more person who only sees my kid 3 times a year tell me that his behavior is normal, or all kids go through this I'm going to fucking scream.. You know The Situation is five years old now and still doesn't sleep through the night? That's a milestone that most babies hit before they are ten months old, well my kid is five.. You know he cant ride a bike? not even one with training wheels, not even pedal a tricycle because of problems with proprioception and apraxia..
Okay.. I need to stop, I'm not accomplishing anything..
I'm just having one of the bad days of Motherhood, you know the ones we don't tell people about. The ones we all pretend don't happen and the ones we wouldn't dare tell our expecting friends about.. On the outside today was an amazing day, today i took my oldest boy to meet his very first teacher but on the inside i hit rock bottom, trying not to think about how hard some parts of life will be for my beautiful boy..
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
unslumping yourself is not easily done
boo hoo, woe is me.. I'm having a pity party, would you like to come?
So I'm blue.. Funny, i never really get this way. Or at least when i do I'm pretty good at figuring out why and fixing it.. See? problem solved!
But this time i cant seem to put my finger on it.. I know that it has something to do with Presley going to school in two weeks (13 days to be exact) but i don't know what it is. Whatever it is, its bringing me down. I'm damn near in a full blown depression over it..
Okay i know that its tough when your babies go off to kindergarten (duh) but I've thought through everything about the entire situation and none of the rational, practical reason are whats bothering me. Its not that my baby is growing up. Presley is my big boy. He's always been the older brother, the big kid. Also, Presley is smart as a whip so in many ways I've always treated him like hes older than he is. There are days when even I have to remind myself that he is only five years old.. Its not that I'm going to miss him.. because really.. I'm not.. He'll be gone from just after seven to early afternoon each day and the thought of having all that free time, i don't know what I'm going to do with myself.. Yea I've got two smaller kids here but River and Wilson are pretty easy dudes to hang out with. Presley is my guy who has always needed a constant eye so with him in the safe arms of his teachers i know i will be able to relax.. Maybe even take a shower at a time other than 1 AM!! Its not that i worry about how Presley and all of his hyperactive impulsive aspieness will handle school.. We will build that bridge when we get to a river, worrying about it does no good so i don't bother with the wasted energy.. I pretty much treat life like that though. I'm not a worrier, its waste of time being anxious over things that you have no control over..
For the life of me i cant figure out why I'm so blue over this..
I'm starting to wonder if it has nothing to do with this at all. Maybe I've been so swept up with the boys and all of their endeavors these last few years that I've somehow swept something else under the rug.. Wow now that I've written that it makes much more sense..
A few weeks ago i started going back to the head shrinker.. Which i have avoided like the plague for most of my adult life because there are some things i just don't like to think about. and now that I'm back.. I'm thinking about them.. Which i shouldn't be because I've got alot of other stuff to think about right now.. Okay maybe that's the attitude that got me in this slump..
Whatevs.. Ill be over this in a week or so and ill be ready to start my new chapter, school aged kids!
So I'm blue.. Funny, i never really get this way. Or at least when i do I'm pretty good at figuring out why and fixing it.. See? problem solved!
But this time i cant seem to put my finger on it.. I know that it has something to do with Presley going to school in two weeks (13 days to be exact) but i don't know what it is. Whatever it is, its bringing me down. I'm damn near in a full blown depression over it..
Okay i know that its tough when your babies go off to kindergarten (duh) but I've thought through everything about the entire situation and none of the rational, practical reason are whats bothering me. Its not that my baby is growing up. Presley is my big boy. He's always been the older brother, the big kid. Also, Presley is smart as a whip so in many ways I've always treated him like hes older than he is. There are days when even I have to remind myself that he is only five years old.. Its not that I'm going to miss him.. because really.. I'm not.. He'll be gone from just after seven to early afternoon each day and the thought of having all that free time, i don't know what I'm going to do with myself.. Yea I've got two smaller kids here but River and Wilson are pretty easy dudes to hang out with. Presley is my guy who has always needed a constant eye so with him in the safe arms of his teachers i know i will be able to relax.. Maybe even take a shower at a time other than 1 AM!! Its not that i worry about how Presley and all of his hyperactive impulsive aspieness will handle school.. We will build that bridge when we get to a river, worrying about it does no good so i don't bother with the wasted energy.. I pretty much treat life like that though. I'm not a worrier, its waste of time being anxious over things that you have no control over..
For the life of me i cant figure out why I'm so blue over this..
I'm starting to wonder if it has nothing to do with this at all. Maybe I've been so swept up with the boys and all of their endeavors these last few years that I've somehow swept something else under the rug.. Wow now that I've written that it makes much more sense..
A few weeks ago i started going back to the head shrinker.. Which i have avoided like the plague for most of my adult life because there are some things i just don't like to think about. and now that I'm back.. I'm thinking about them.. Which i shouldn't be because I've got alot of other stuff to think about right now.. Okay maybe that's the attitude that got me in this slump..
Whatevs.. Ill be over this in a week or so and ill be ready to start my new chapter, school aged kids!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
me? complain?
Alright.. So it seems that alot of my blogging isnt so much blogging but me naming off things that i think are retarded..
So to counteract my negativity, here's a list of things that i love about my American life.
For starters, my boys. I have the best kids! They are perfect for me and i couldnt not have any bettr if i had picked them out of a catalog. Its like each of them is a side of me, made into an entire person.
My James. He is an amazing man who stands up for what he believes in and cares deeply for his family.
Lantanas.. Any color and the ones that are not trimmed, that just grow wild are the best.
The smell of garlic on my hands. It means ive been cooking and i love to cook, especially with garlic. That smell reminds me so wonderfully of my grandmother. I possess a sensory processing disorder (I wouldnt call it a disorder, im very sensitive to light, sounds and smells. All of which i attach emotion to, yes even different kinds of light)so alot of my favorite things have to do with light, sound and smell.
The fact that people pull over and stop for funeral processions. In a weird way i feel honored when i get to do that and it is something i take very seriously.. If you dont, your a douche and i swear to whatever kind of god that is up there that if some douche tries to cut in front of my funeral procession i will haunt that motherfucker until he dies..
I love the USO.
I love the way flowers smell (particularly yellow jasmine, 4 o'clocks, gardenias and honeysuckle). I find the older i get the more i enjoy flowers..
I love fall. It is by FAR my favorite time of the year. I get to wear the kind of clothes that i like. I get to make and jar soups and stews, drink hot tea. I love the way the wind smells in the fall. Like dried leaves and the way a handmade blanket feels.
I love having red hair.. Though I am NOT a ginger, my sister is and my green eyes and freckles make me seem as though i should be.
I love getting to wear levis and wifebeaters with a straw hat. That was pretty much my uniform until i started having kids then the wifebeater look wasnt so good for me but im working on it and ill be rocking one again soon!
I love to hook, bind, web, purl, cable and weave..
yea im a dork.
I love driving my suburban. It may be a gas guzzling dinocinterator and liberals may hate everything about it but i love it. It utilitarian, big and black and cast a forward presence. Its well insured and almost payed for. It fits my entire family and all of our groceries. It can pull a boat and it puts me in a good mood..
I love big families. Some people think the duggars are nuts but i think they are amazing. I say if you want them and can afford them.. By all means have them. My grandparents had nine children and some of my best memories are of my entire family getting together. I have three children and I am not done..
While we are on the subject. I love being pregnant! Hell, im the weirdo that thoroughly enjoys being in labor.. When i was having River it went freakishly fast, 3 hours start to finish with a 9 pounder and i almost felt cheated because it went by so fast! I smile and secretly envy every pregnant woman i see. I really cant wait until its my turn again..
hint hint James..
So to counteract my negativity, here's a list of things that i love about my American life.
For starters, my boys. I have the best kids! They are perfect for me and i couldnt not have any bettr if i had picked them out of a catalog. Its like each of them is a side of me, made into an entire person.
My James. He is an amazing man who stands up for what he believes in and cares deeply for his family.
Lantanas.. Any color and the ones that are not trimmed, that just grow wild are the best.
The smell of garlic on my hands. It means ive been cooking and i love to cook, especially with garlic. That smell reminds me so wonderfully of my grandmother. I possess a sensory processing disorder (I wouldnt call it a disorder, im very sensitive to light, sounds and smells. All of which i attach emotion to, yes even different kinds of light)so alot of my favorite things have to do with light, sound and smell.
The fact that people pull over and stop for funeral processions. In a weird way i feel honored when i get to do that and it is something i take very seriously.. If you dont, your a douche and i swear to whatever kind of god that is up there that if some douche tries to cut in front of my funeral procession i will haunt that motherfucker until he dies..
I love the USO.
I love the way flowers smell (particularly yellow jasmine, 4 o'clocks, gardenias and honeysuckle). I find the older i get the more i enjoy flowers..
I love fall. It is by FAR my favorite time of the year. I get to wear the kind of clothes that i like. I get to make and jar soups and stews, drink hot tea. I love the way the wind smells in the fall. Like dried leaves and the way a handmade blanket feels.
I love having red hair.. Though I am NOT a ginger, my sister is and my green eyes and freckles make me seem as though i should be.
I love getting to wear levis and wifebeaters with a straw hat. That was pretty much my uniform until i started having kids then the wifebeater look wasnt so good for me but im working on it and ill be rocking one again soon!
I love to hook, bind, web, purl, cable and weave..
yea im a dork.
I love driving my suburban. It may be a gas guzzling dinocinterator and liberals may hate everything about it but i love it. It utilitarian, big and black and cast a forward presence. Its well insured and almost payed for. It fits my entire family and all of our groceries. It can pull a boat and it puts me in a good mood..
I love big families. Some people think the duggars are nuts but i think they are amazing. I say if you want them and can afford them.. By all means have them. My grandparents had nine children and some of my best memories are of my entire family getting together. I have three children and I am not done..
While we are on the subject. I love being pregnant! Hell, im the weirdo that thoroughly enjoys being in labor.. When i was having River it went freakishly fast, 3 hours start to finish with a 9 pounder and i almost felt cheated because it went by so fast! I smile and secretly envy every pregnant woman i see. I really cant wait until its my turn again..
hint hint James..
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The experienced Mom
I now have three children. I have had three completely different pregnancies, labors and deliveries. Each responsible for three very different little boys. In the five years since our oldest boy was born, James and I have faced a host of different situations (for lack of a better word). We have over come many obstacles and climbed many hills. Everytime that we think the have seen it all, one of the boys blows us away with something new!
Since we have been back in the South East and close to our family and friends, i have been reminded time and time again that in my circle I am now the "experienced" Mom. This used to send me into a blind panic.. Now i see it as truth, of course i am not as "experienced" as say my Grandmother who raised 9 children and was married for over fifty years but in my close group of friends.. Yea im that Mom.. I know alot about alot of kid and baby stuff and i know how to not panic..
But im finding it hard to not be jaded. With the exception of a few folks, Im finding i have to make a physical effort to not roll my eyes and sigh when listening to women my age talk about their lives.. Now im not saying im better or better at anything than anyone else. In fact im quite aware of where i stand in the line of Moms and Women around me. Im capable but i could be better, we all could.. But I'm still a woman and somedays i just want to scream QUIT YER BITCHIN to the world.. I am so sorry that your kid doesnt sleep but it in all likely hood its probably your fault.. And in the rare chance that your kid has some weird medical condition that keeps him from sleeping, deal. Thats part of being a Mom. You didnt sign up for 20 years of restful nights. If your kid wont drink from a cup, STOP giving them the bottle. If your kid freaks out without his pacifier, stop shoving it down his throat everytime he cries. If your thirty year old son cant seem to move out, change the locks.. You think your baby is bad now? Give it a few years.. HaHaHa(evil laugh)... Im so bitter.. Okay maybe bitter is not the word but when a houseful of human beings have flown into the world with absolutely no regard for the thing that they shredded on their way here (that thing that used to be your vagina) then you too can get mild to moderately aggravated as hell by people pissing and moaning over things they should realize are nothing to complain about or are things that are their own fault..
Like, how about instead of saying out loud in front of your child what a douche bag your babies daddy is.. Stop having unprotected sex with losers..
Since we have been back in the South East and close to our family and friends, i have been reminded time and time again that in my circle I am now the "experienced" Mom. This used to send me into a blind panic.. Now i see it as truth, of course i am not as "experienced" as say my Grandmother who raised 9 children and was married for over fifty years but in my close group of friends.. Yea im that Mom.. I know alot about alot of kid and baby stuff and i know how to not panic..
But im finding it hard to not be jaded. With the exception of a few folks, Im finding i have to make a physical effort to not roll my eyes and sigh when listening to women my age talk about their lives.. Now im not saying im better or better at anything than anyone else. In fact im quite aware of where i stand in the line of Moms and Women around me. Im capable but i could be better, we all could.. But I'm still a woman and somedays i just want to scream QUIT YER BITCHIN to the world.. I am so sorry that your kid doesnt sleep but it in all likely hood its probably your fault.. And in the rare chance that your kid has some weird medical condition that keeps him from sleeping, deal. Thats part of being a Mom. You didnt sign up for 20 years of restful nights. If your kid wont drink from a cup, STOP giving them the bottle. If your kid freaks out without his pacifier, stop shoving it down his throat everytime he cries. If your thirty year old son cant seem to move out, change the locks.. You think your baby is bad now? Give it a few years.. HaHaHa(evil laugh)... Im so bitter.. Okay maybe bitter is not the word but when a houseful of human beings have flown into the world with absolutely no regard for the thing that they shredded on their way here (that thing that used to be your vagina) then you too can get mild to moderately aggravated as hell by people pissing and moaning over things they should realize are nothing to complain about or are things that are their own fault..
Like, how about instead of saying out loud in front of your child what a douche bag your babies daddy is.. Stop having unprotected sex with losers..
A cool shade of Jonathan
I painted my studio an orangey brickish color and i love it.. Oh and im calling it a studio now. When we first moved in it was the dining room, that clearly what this room was intended to be but for some reason there is carpet in here. Beige carpet. So we traded where dining room table for the computer desk and walah, office. It stayed the office for a while because really its only purpose was to house my nine hundred pound antique office desk and the filing cabinet. But now 6 months later it is also home to my sewing desk, paints, easels, yarn, hooks, needles, scraps, notions and other things that unless a person owned, they wouldnt know what it was by name alone so now this room is my studio. It is not exactly the studio ive always dreamed about but it has big windows and now its a very cool shade of jonathan orange.. Okay Jonathan is my old roomate who has an affinity for certain shades of orange..
Speaking of Jonathans. I am now related to one!
Yes it is true, this past Sunday my sister became the proud owner of her very own husband! They had a lovely wedding and they are currently on their honeymoon.. I am currently fighting the urge to call her. Maggie is normally someone i spend at least an hour a week on the phone with (and trust me, for me that is A LOT!) but i am going to let her enjoy her first week of holy matrimony without me blowing her phone up. My new Brother in law is a guy named Jonathan. He seems cool enough, honestly i dont know him all that well but i trust my sister's ability to judge character and if she likes him.. loves him, then i do to..
Speaking of Jonathans. I am now related to one!
Yes it is true, this past Sunday my sister became the proud owner of her very own husband! They had a lovely wedding and they are currently on their honeymoon.. I am currently fighting the urge to call her. Maggie is normally someone i spend at least an hour a week on the phone with (and trust me, for me that is A LOT!) but i am going to let her enjoy her first week of holy matrimony without me blowing her phone up. My new Brother in law is a guy named Jonathan. He seems cool enough, honestly i dont know him all that well but i trust my sister's ability to judge character and if she likes him.. loves him, then i do to..
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