My baby sister has now officially been sworn into the Air Force and i could not be any prouder of her! This is going to be an amazing opportunity for her that can and will change her life.
I am excited, anxious, scared, nervous, super proud and in a small way, really jealous of her.. This is a BIG thing in her life. Unless your active duty or a dependant you cant understand how different it is from the civilian life. She is going to travel, earn a good living, get great training.. All this is really kind of reminding me that i haven't done anything with my life. I'm a stay at home house wife.. I pop out a baby every other year and i change diapers and teach letters and numbers all day. Yea yea yea being a stay at home Mom is the hardest job, blahdeblah, whatever.. I don't have a career. I never finished college. I'm not getting any younger. I'm not contributing financially to this family, the only part of this family that i contribute to is the size! Don't get me wrong, we make it just fine.. We have three kids, a nice house, two nice cars, no debt. All of our bills get paid, there is always food on the table and we are even considering a fourth little one.. I'm just feeling a little blasé about my life these days..
And theres my baby sister, the trail blazer. Who has always been so confident and always been able to do whatever she sets out to do. She got the good legs and is an actual redhead and now shes even more than that, shes airman recruit Aunt Maggie. I cant say it enough how proud of her I am, she wanted a change in her life so she made one. That's not an easy thing to do. Especially when the change you make is chipping away at the wall surrounding the bigges boys club there is (the American Military).. Shes going to do amazingly well with this. Damn it now I'm crying, i hate it when i cry. I feel like a little bitch..

This is me and Maggie when we were little girls. We were typical Barbie playin, hair pulling, screaming like banshees sisters.. And now look at us! Im old as hell and I've got 19 kids and Maggie is still tall, hot and now about to move to Japan.. I hope she knows how proud of her I am and how much i look up to her.. How she inspires me to know that i can make a change in my life, I've just got to get up and do it..
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